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Another end is coming, but this time in Fortnite

2021 This is a preview of many ends in network games. Final Fantasy XIV ends with its old story, World of Warcraft will end with Saga, and Fortnite announces its own final. Not so ultimate, the game will not be closed, without worries! Epic Games, however, prepares players at the end of chapter 2. None of the season, but the whole chapter, so we have to prepare a great event.

After completing convergence, the queen of cubes is preparing for the final struggle for the island, after which nothing will be the same. Get your weapons and fight with the most powerful destroyer of the universe. Join End — Events in the game that will take place only once — and fight for your heritage.

End is the Chapter 2 final in Fortnite. The event will take place on December 4 at 22:00 Polish time, when you will face the Queen of Cubes in the last clash about the fate of the island. Event supports a large team (up to 16 players in the queue), so take your entire branch with you. Remember to log in earlier — you will be able to jump into the End mode for 30 minutes before the event start.

Fortnite Just OFFICIALLY Confirmed Chapter 3 (Season 8 END EVENT Date, Time & Details)

Epic Games emphasizes that End is an event in a game that will take place only once and the repetitions will not be available. When End starts, players will not be able to edit game settings, so before joining the event, adjust the graphics options to get a preferred effect. The season will end the day before, which is why players who log in before the end of the season will receive a 25,000 pd prize.

I wonder what this time was prepared. You can complain and complain about Fortnite, but events organizes quite spectacular.


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